Resilient leadership in uncertain times
Recent conversations at my kitchen table have all been about the same topics. Current times are turbulent and unpredictable, and what is...
Problem solve under pressure requires structured, systematic thinking.
Good governance is the prerequisite for successful implementation,
at supervisory, executive and management levels.
At each of the three distinct levels of governance, the right interim manager creates immediate, tangible value during challenging times.
There are many good reasons for appointing an interim manager: an unexpected vacancy; a search project that, for various reasons, is going to take longer than initially thought; or to provide leadership through significant organisational transformation.
Interim managers offer a tangible contribution to the organisation in a variety of ways. For example, by staying calm when implementing process change, or by stabilising and safeguarding existing processes by successfully demonstrating good crisis management skills, or by tackling maintenance backlogs. By plotting a new course under pressure, while implementing the ensuing changes and motivating the team as it navigates a period of uncertainty. This lays the groundwork for the next leader to continue to build an inspiring and promising future with the team.
For example:
An interim manager adds value during times of transformation by implementing a significant change of direction with a new purpose and goals in order to improve future organisational effectiveness. The independent nature of the role of an interim manager adds a fresh perspective to the organisation, combined with the capacity of clear-cut and swift decision-making.
Aegeus has the right Interim Manager for each and every situation to bring a sense of calm to the table, and create immediate added value.